H e l l o F r e s h

The Project

Each group examined advertising media planning, buying, audience measurement, and research in teams, covering paid, owned, and earned forms and channels for HelloFresh vs. Its competitor BlueApron. The product was to create a pitch presentation that highlighted strategic and tactical execution of how media fits into the overall advertising and media ecosystem and how advertisers use them to reach their desired target audiences.

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The Research

Every good project starts with research. I read GfK MRI Crosstabs of HelloFresh and Blue Apron’s target audience, media spending history, and online impressions to write a preliminary report for analysis of competitive expenditures and target analysis.

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The Insights and Presentation

Our team’s insights based on our individual research was to focus on Full time working millennials. This target audience’s habits include a lot of screen time. One of the most fun tactics was to work with Mukbangers to highlight HelloFresh’s eclectic food choice.


Da Bulls

